Sierra Leone Seed Roadmap 2024 – 2028

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How Africa Is Promoting Agricultural Innovations and Technologies amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The IITA Agripreneur Movement: A Dynamic Approach to YouthEmpowerment across Africa

Pages: 42

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Technology Promotion and Scaling in Support of Commodity Value Chain Development in Africa

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Agricultural Transformation in Maize Producing Areas of Africa

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Bumper Harvests and Record Wheat Production Propelling Sudan Towards Wheat Self-sufficiency

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The TAAT wheat project has so far shown remarkable results. Not just in the increased yields, productions and areas and seed multiplications, but perhaps more importantly is clear evidence that with the right coordination and integration, stakeholders from a wide range of interested parties can not only work together towards a common goal, but are motivated to do so, with a proven benefit of a win-win for all.

Enabling Youths in Agribusiness

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The Youth enabler compact is one of the 15 compacts which connects youth to the process of agricultural transformation necessary to secure economic prosperity through youth-led agribusinesses. The purpose of the youth enabler compact is to assist in the promotion of TAAT’s key agricultural technologies, operate technology and innovation centres for young people on specific commodity value chains, and to stimulate youth- led agribusiness start-up in support of TAAT’s nine priority commodity chain.

The case of Wheat Technology

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Wheat is a major staple crop for many African countries and 60% of the consumption is imported leading to significant demand and supply gap although there is a great potential to produce the crop locally. Wheat Compact aims at achieving transformational impact and sustainable increases in productivity and production for enhanced food security, economic growth, and poverty alleviation and reduce unsustainable overdependence on imports in target countries.

The case of Water Management Technology

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Irrigation is creating resilience among rural population, especially in fragile regions with low rainfall to increases profitability of agriculture. In addition, it is attractive to the youth farmers and service providers and creates high-end technical jobs. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) led Water Enabler Compact (TAAT- WEC) stands uniquely as a pillar for meeting water needs in crop production systems to boost crop productivity and income. It focuses mainly on irrigation and water management technologies that will help small-scale farmers increase sustainable agricultural production and income

The case of Sorghum Iron Millet Technology

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