Des Technologies Mises en Œuvre à Grande Echelle par TAAT


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Technologies being deployed at Scale by TAAT


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The African Cereal and Legume Breeding Consortium

Pages: 3

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ASI Thresher

Pages: 2

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Reduction in threshing and winnowing time and in hard physical work; reduction in total harvest and post-harvest losses; greater ability to do rice double-cropping; employment and profitable enterprise for local blacksmiths and thresher owners.


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Irrigated lowland and favorable rainfed lowland where the risk of drought and flooding is small. Also, access to fertilizers is important.

Improved rice varieties for Africa

Pages: 2

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Rice farmers across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) often face a range of biotic and abiotic stresses as well as differences in consumer preferences for rice. Many improved rice varieties have been released/adopted in SSA over the last decades. However, lots of farmers do not have access to new varieties that are better adapted to their growing environment and are likely to sell well.

Hybrid rice: A new opportunity for Africa

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Variety AR051H and this variety was named ISRIZ-9 in Senegal. This variety is aromatic and has a high yield potential (10 to 13 t/ha) and very good organoleptic qualities. AfricaRice currently has a wide range of hybrid lines that adapt to African conditions with short, medium and long cycles according to needs.

Technologie d’étuvage GEM

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La technologie d’étuvage GEM est adaptée aux écologies pluviales et irriguées, mais sa rentabilité est plus élevée en écologie irriguée, car il y a moins de taches brunes et noires sur le paddy.

GEM Parboiling Technology

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The GEM parboiling technology is suitable for both rainfed and irrigated ecologies but it’s profitability is higher in irrigated ecology due to reduced brown to black spots on paddy.

TAAT Technology Toolkits and their Strategic Deployment

Pages: 22

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Size: 969KB

The African Development Bank recently launched Feed Africa: A Strategy for Agricultural Transformation in Africa. This loan program is intended to unlock Africa’s agricultural potential and boost job creation with a view to diversifying African economies and to better meet the Strategic Development Goals related to poverty reduction and ending hunger and malnutrition. Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is a flagship program within the Feed Africa Strategy aimed at modernizing African agriculture through the advancement of agricultural technology in a way that improves the business of agriculture across Africa, thus raising agricultural productivity, mitigating risks and promoting sustainable enterprise diversification.