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The case of Soil Fertility Technology
The Soil Fertility Enabler (SFE) led by the International Fertilizer Development Center is supporting the 7 TAAT Crops Value Chains with SMaRT (Soil testing, Mapping and Recommendations Transfer) approach for balanced fertilizer recommendation and increased agricultural productivity. The soil fertility enabler compact also facilitates a responsive private sector-led input delivery system to promote the scaling up of agricultural proven inputs-based technologies to support the TAAT Crops Value Chains.
The case of Maize Technology

Maize is one of the most important staple crops in Africa on which an estimated 300 million people depend on. However, a myriad of challenges affect maize production, including drought, diseases and pests such as the recent Fall Army Worm (FAW) menace.

The case of Poultry (Mother Brooder Units) Technology

The objectives of the TAAT Livestock value chain activities are to reduce poverty, improve health and wellbeing of the producers and users, enhance gender equality, and contribute to improved household nutrition security etc. The livestock value chain technology delivery activities have been implemented in Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria and Kenya.

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The case of High Iron Beans Technology

High Iron Beans is one of the commodity value chains supported under TAAT. The HIB Value Chain compact aims at increasing the HIB productivity from 0.8 to 1.2 MT/ha for bush beans and 1.5 to 2.5 MT/ha for climbing beans, produce additional 800,000 MT of HIB in target countries, create access to seed, growing and consuming HIB for 2 million households. Besides increasing productivity and creating access to seeds, the project using the “Commodity Corridor Approach” works at enhancing business opportunities and investments for the youth…

The case of Cassava Weed Management Technology

The Cassava Compact is led by IITA with a partnership in 12 countries (Benin, Togo, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, DR Congo, Cameroon, Rwanda, South Sudan, Zambia and Burundi). As cassava is suited to a wide range of climatic conditions, its toolkit approach varies across agro-ecological zones. The Cassava value chain compact aims to shift Africa towards a sustainable cassava transformation by increasing production, productivity, promoting mechanization, value addition, strengthening market linkage and catalyzing investment in the sector.


An important food and an agro-industrial crop for Tanzania’s agriculture-led industrialization agenda


Ni zao muhimu la chakula na katika kutekeleza sera ya Taifa ya kuendeleza viwanda vinavyotumia malighafi zinazotokana na sekta ya kilimo

Bonnes pratiques agricoles (BPA)

Recommandé pour tous les environnements de production de riz.
Cependant, le volet BPA des technologies par environnement de production rizicole peut varier et certaines préconditions sont requises (p. ex. semis en ligne pour utiliser les sarcleuses mécaniques et motorisées).

Transforming African Agriculture through proven technologies and partnerships

The Program Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to increase productivity in Africa through the deployment of technologies with proven and high performance. It originated from the need “to execute a bold plan to achieve rapid
agricultural transformation across Africa through raising agricultural productivity” that was declared by participants in the Dakar High-Level Conference, October 2015. It led to the formulation of Feed Africa: A Strategy for African Agricultural Transformation by the AfDB in June 2016.

2020 Annual Report

The program’s achievements in 2020 are exhibited through success
stories showing how TAAT is building a pathway to transformation and
resilience through the deployment of proven agricultural technologies
for large scale adoption across the continent and by building sustainable
knowledge infrastructure with public partners. The information
highlights tangible results and first-hand accounts of how TAAT is
helping rural farming communities