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Bumper Harvests and Record Wheat Production Propelling Sudan Towards Wheat Self-sufficiency
The TAAT wheat project has so far shown remarkable results. Not just in the increased yields, productions and areas and seed multiplications, but perhaps more importantly is clear evidence that with the right coordination and integration, stakeholders from a wide range of interested parties can not only work together towards a common goal, but are motivated to do so, with a proven benefit of a win-win for all.
Cassava Technology Toolkit Catalogue

This catalogue describes a suite of technologies related to the modernization of cassava production in Africa. It is based upon the combined efforts of the Project Platform for Agricultural Solutions (ProPAS), an information internet site, and the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation, a large collaborative program that is deploying agricultural solutions across the continent. Both of these activities are based upon the imperative to better connect proven technologies to those who need them but each undertakes this goal in a very different manner.

Modernizing Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation: A call to action and partnerships

The challenge for Africa to feed itself and become a major food supplier for the world is compounded by climate change and the need to produce healthier, safer, and more nutritious food while producing less waste and fewer greenhouse gases. Yet after more than a decade of progress in reducing hunger in Africa, the number of undernourished is on the rise again. FAO recently reports that 256 million Africans go hungry every day; 93% are in sub-Saharan Africa. As the continent’s population is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, and considering continued urbanization and climate change, Africa’s ability to feed itself is at great risk unless significant transformations occur across its economy and agricultural sector.

Maize Technology Toolkit Catalogue

This catalogue describes a suite of technologies related to the modernization of maize production in Africa. It is based upon the combined efforts of the Project Platform for Agricultural Solutions (ProPAS), an information internet site, and the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation, a large collaborative program that is deploying agricultural solutions across the continent.

Rice Technology Toolkit Catalogue
Rice Technology Toolkit Catalogue

This catalogue describes a suite of technologies related to the modernization of rice production in Africa. It is based upon the combined
efforts of the Project Platform for Agricultural Solutions (ProPAS) which is information from the internet, and the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), a large collaborative program that is deploying agricultural solutions across the continent.

Extension manual on quality low-cost fish feed formulation and production

The purpose of this manual is to distribute methods that will expose training officers, extension workers, feed millers and fish farmers to BMPs in quality fish feed production and facilitation techniques.

Extension manual on production of quality catfish seed

The purpose of this manual is to distribute methods that will expose extension workers to better practices in catfish fingerlings production and facilitation techniques. This will enable them spread these skills to catfish hatchery operators in their respective areas for increased production of quality fingerlings, which will further the development of overall catfish farming production.

Extension manual on monosex tilapia production and management

The purpose of this manual is to distribute methods that will expose extension workers to better practices in monosex tilapia production and facilitation techniques. This will enable them to spread these skills to other fish breeders in their respective areas, which will increase the production of high-quality fingerlings for fish farmers to buy.

Wheat Production Brochure – TAAT Wheat Compact in Nigeria

The project in its sustained efforts to create awareness, enhance collaboration and linkages through National Farmers Field Day, which is an annual event that brings Farmers, Researchers and Policy Makers together to interact in the field.

Irrigated Wheat Production Brochure – TAAT Wheat Compact in Ethiopia

Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in terms of production and consumption in Ethiopia. Wheat contributes substantially to food security, poverty reduction, raw materials for industries and employment creation. Ethiopia is a traditional wheat grower and consumer.